A NY Times piece on Mt Bachelor

Our not-so-little local mountain got a write up in the NY Times, which is always fun to see. It’s about a local effort to try and buy the mountain (~$200M, so some very rich locals..). Lots of funny little nods to the culture of Bend:

Mike Rogge, the editor and publisher of the outdoor magazine Mountain Gazette, summed up collective feelings in a social media post.

“The ski industry, specifically the resort side, I fear is losing the narrative,” he wrote. “Guests are your lifeblood. Locals are your culture. Without either of them you’re an empty theme park.”

The mood on the effort has turned pretty sour on our local reddit page after it was made clear that locals didn’t really have a way to “buy in”. There’s still some platitudes about trying to give locals some kind of share, if it ever happens, which it probably won’t.

Hey there! I'm Eric and I work on communities in the world of software documentation. Feel free to email me if you have comments on this post!