31 days of posts

I decided to try and write a blog post each day in January, and have now been successful! I have been inspired by folks like Simon Willison, John Gruber, and Andy Baio. They are able to keep up a rate of sharing over time, at different levels of depth.

I started out trying to write long blog posts, but have been humbled by my ability to do that daily. I lowered my inspiration to a link blog, which is much more workable for a daily post. I read a ton of different stuff each day, so sharing my favorite things seems like an easy task. The hard part has been choosing what to write about, whether I want a “beat” around tech docs or AI, or want to post what is personally interesting to me.

I’m hoping to continue writing on an almost daily basis, but also want to give myself permission to not do it each day.

Hey there! I'm Eric and I work on communities in the world of software documentation. Feel free to email me if you have comments on this post!