Django & Python
Open Source Projects¶
Read the Docs - http://readthedocs.org
Role: Primary maintainer since 2010
Over 100,000 projects & 20 million page views/month (see our yearly stats post for latest data)
Standard documentation hosting for Python community
Write the Docs Conferences - http://www.writethedocs.org/
Role: Co-founder and primary organizer of Portland conference
3 global conferences, Slack network with 8,000+ members, newsletter with 8,000+ subscribers, meetups on 4 continents
See latest stats on our yearly blog post
Python Software Foundation - https://www.python.org/psf-landing/
Role: Board member from 2017-2020. Chair of Funding Working Group
Work to expand funding access and success of Python infrastructure globally
Work Experience¶
August 2010-Current¶
Read the Docs¶
See above for primary roles and impact
It has been my “day job” since 2014.
January 2013 - July 2013¶
Pacific Crest Trail¶
Trained for 3 months by hiking 50 miles a week
Hiked 800 miles of the trail before getting injured
Lived in the woods for 2 months
Gave my mind and soul room to breathe
December 2010 - January 2013¶
Urban Airship - Developer & Operations¶
Employee 15 at a startup that now has over 150 people
Assisted moving data centers on the ops team
Helped scale infrastructure to handle hundreds of millions of messages a day
July 2008 - December 2010¶
Lawrence Journal-World - Developer¶
The birthplace of Django, maintaining the world’s oldest Django codebase
Worked as Lead developer and defacto sysadmin for the “Internal” team
Spoken at the following conferences on Read the Docs, IRC bots, Testing, and Documentation:
Keynote - Pycon Colombia 2017
Keynote - PyCaribbean 2016
Djangocon US 2015, 2011, 2010
Open Source & Feelings 2015
Keynote - Pycon Malaysia 2014
Pycon Phillipines 2014
Mulitple meetups across Taiwan in 2014
Open Source Bridge 2012, 2011
Pycon Web Summit 2012
OSCON 2011
Djangocon EU 2010, 2009
More information available on my website: https://www.ericholscher.com/speaking/
University of Mary Washington¶
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science¶
Graduated May 2008
Major GPA of 3.5